90 Spiritism

90 Spiritism

Incremental building, 

War feels power,

But justice rides fear.

Frustrations blaze,

The mind cannot steer clear,

A jettison continues.

When light falls sharply,

The resulting brevity heightens the mood,

Placid in piety.

We all send our hearts out,

But never find our stead,

Instead we feel soulless,

To think that this has been. 


Peace comes from: freedom from disturbance, quiet and tranquility.  Calm, serenity, and within.  By taking the right path, through the heart and mind.  The body heals, in all people except those who use fear for evil.  Love the spirits in your heart and mind, and let them guide you, but be weary of spiritism and bad entities, that is why you trust yourself first.  Let heaven and the realm combine, heaven being god's world, and the realm our spiritual world. 

What is heaven?  Is it on the ground?  Why do we speak to our spirit guides, but not see them?  How do they talk to us?  Through the garden, with the spirit of the birds.  That is why it is important to have a garden.  Heaven is in nature.  In-sense, inner-knowledge, of the divine creator, or through evolution?  What did happen before Max's Plank?  Were there spirits first?  Before creation?  I believe so!  From heavenly peace we move on to understand something of spiritism 'Moses law'.

Moses wrote:  'There shall not be found with you . . . a consulter with a familiar spirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer.  For whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto Jehovah' (Deutronomy 18:10-12).  Again:  'Turn you not unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards, to play the harlot after them, I will set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among the people' (20:6).  That of course implied the death penalty (v.27). 

Ancient Spiritism was necormancy and was practiced in ancient Babylon; and also in Egypt (which was known as the 'mother of the occult').  There is considerable evidence in the Old Testament that even the Hebrews became involved in the practice.  During the time of the wicked Manasseh's reign over Judah, it is said that the King 'practiced augury, and used enchantments, and dealt with them that had familiar spirits, and with wizards' (2 Kings 21:6). 

One who sought to communicate with the dead was called a necromancer; hence, the term refers to one who attempts to obtain supernatural knowledge from beyond the grave.  Such a person was said to have a 'familiar spirit' (modern mediums call them 'controls') who could convey the desired information.  Could such perverse persons actually communicate with the dead in those ancient times?  And what of today?  Some contend that during the Mosaic economy there were actually people who could contact the dead and thus, by supernatural knowledge obtained from them, they could predict the future.  They argue that capital punishment would hardly have been legislated against mere pretenders. 

It is interesting to note that the term 'familiar spirit', as employed in the Old Testament, was in the Septuagint (Greek version of the Old Testament) rendered by the term 'eggastrimuthos', meaning 'to prophesy from the belly' - thus suggesting ventriloquism rather than actual conversation from the dead.  Without doubt there is a voice in God, but we only know of it through faith. 

However when a wizard makes money out of ventriloquism we must be careful not to be fooled.  Fool me, fool you!  'Hidden conversations, too much information . . . gossip, talk show, hidden inuendo . . . curiosity requires, that I know all your desires . . . tighten up your view sir, its time to face the future'.  Lyrics from the late great Terry Callier's 'Hidden Conversations'.  Where is love then?  It is hidden by these predictions, by these necormancer's, and we have to see through the veil, to discover who really loves us for who we are, and our own life story.  Be wise. 


91 Control

91 Control

89 Ornament

89 Ornament