147 Metaxis

147 Metaxis


We are now making peace, peace with oneself.

Once we grew up in an innocent land, of poets, musicians, and rebel fighters. All with the same prerogative of bringing East and West together, while today we see the diaphragm of the planet: its Southern Hemisphere, needs to take heed of the Northern Hemisphere’s seeming dominance over a market driven economy, leaving Mother Earth with billions of people on $2/day in the South: (the South still has a strong agrarian economy; we are particularly greedy for what is suitable to be groan in farms and rainforests). Music comes from the Southern Hemisphere: the tropics though, where tribal dance and sound began all family communities.  So, if we have practically joined East and West, then how can we eradicate poverty in the pleasant land and mountains of the South. Do not forget that poverty exists. It is the subconscious way of following Game Theory to disregard the poor’s struggle, the diseased, and war torn places, including their victims. We would rather believe none of this exists, and that we all have the civility of typing from our laptops, in a semi-heaven, and semi-hedonistic, calm.

We have set out: ‘there was something unobtainable of the past’, that set us up for the future pathologies we have been living by until today. It did, at the time, feel like a pseudo hellish heaven of a chaotic shambles, blind to our responsibility and role within the realm of the next generation and our children themselves never understanding the hardship we took, to bring them better into our lives. We are so, accomplished by our own flow, the children will have to be guided and utterly loved by us as an example of what not to do, with parental continued support. As it all unravels, there may have been a better future for the children. Is life safer? Is life scarier? Is life more exposed? These are the questions of our own pubescent pain of idealism coming to fruition growing at this stage of our life, we change from a perfect child of innocence, into an idealistic, adult; and a visionary parent of responsibility, for what we add to the World.

Our original fantasia, of improvisatory style, for our desire to make East meet West, or in the event to respect each other’s borders. And so, what is it like to take a step into their backyard, with all due respect for their customs, and to experience life in another world. We must build a life for Britain beyond empirical tastes of the rest of the World, and hone-in on our talents and skills, and love for one another, not to judge each other: for not understanding our own levels of efficiency, but by standing our opinions. or rather is there a larger master plan from God. To paint the landscape and city once more, to develop foods to our liking, to not feel bored of lunch, to find worldly inspiration from our local foragers, and to make amends with each other, to corroborate and collaborate on the level of love for all, as realistic, sophisticated, meaningful people.

Apologies for failed, yet passed A-level results, a Father lost with me: stood there explaining the truth, a head full of toxins and scattered ideas, a determination to make my chances come to fruition, acceptance through clearing, and my first love in front of me, a method of smoking by my way of relieving the stress, but everything has always tired me out: without an additive; without a placebic upper. Ecstatic excitement for all, and not to be prudent that we do want to know each other. Those completely lost in the prose, can know they have something a lot of people do not have, but values: of communication, a budding family, togetherness, reciprocal love, and that’s what makes the World go around. Life’s experience allows us to make better decisions and share funny stories of the past.

Pleasure never dies, and so, more and more will be moving to point B, from point A, to make it out of bedlam. We are not necessarily without mistakes, that is the only judgement of authority. So, does authority harm or heal? Before now, authority was always in the way of growing up, we had to be sly, we had to check, we had to stay covered, but there is only one conclusion to instigate a plan, today, we play by the rules, and only coalesce by the rules. Shame, because we want pure appreciation for our vocations, some stand up to public figuring, others lose the battle, and feel their own space for something that is still clearly their only answer to explicate our tastes outside of the system. So, what is a system? But it needs to be changed. From Christianity, to Capitalism, cool & calm, respectively. So, what is collected? Customs. What are your customs? Can we be a team? Can we make love? Will you help me with this headache please? Are we of the same Customs and accustomed to each other’s company in bliss?

The maker asked us to make our explicandum statement of denial, acceptance, love or hate to find a magic puzzle for us to solve through thought and expression, and to balance in the Game, but the Game must stop, we must literally today stop the power, and feel our way, to the lost boys and girls, who need to explain it all. It is a tit-for-tat power struggle, testing and bending the forces of nature. So, we are around the campfire, and many have arrived for an explanation. It is this: some are pro-West, many are pro-East, specialists are pro-North, & so pro-South uses its art of life over war and debt; we knew our role, we knew the predictions, and the pitfalls, so we acted bizarrely, to represent the makers request for our Z genome role, and to let it all play out, until now, we must stop to see where we are, and what we have as a dynamic of sophisticated retribution, to overcome the hurt and pain for thinking we were better than, what the maker made the other feel. Too many webs have almost lost our final conciliation of reprieve to find peace and love with each other, that means everybody. Then we can impact on the World.

The East like so many countries that are growing, have seen a change from an agrarian economy to a free capitalist market. China is a home to technology and manufacturing, alongside medicine and durable, compact, efficient Cities. While the USA are a relaxed, mix of technological, stylised good communicators on the legitimacy of controversial, and genuine loving of each other; living in urban spread with a reliability on the dirty car. Their controversy is merely a sense of humour, while I am not knowledgeable on the sense of humour of most Chinese without visiting the land, there seems to be a multitude of reasons, in all: which will and do allow us to get along.

The figurative arts are a solution to the problem of ongoing Game Theory, so, how do we resolve it? By finding our own original meaning to life, without enemies. What skills do we have and what are we yet to achieve? Where should we be located? And how can we make ourselves known to find our similar brothers and sisters who reach for the same ideals from a World Vision to the evolution of a theory applicable to making small-to-medium-to-large type objects, that create a hive for us to live in, once we have accomplished our aims, and then and only then are we practicing, not doubting which way to go, not to scramble a next turn in the road. When we are practicing, then we have a life, and we know what our aims are, to live a healthy, prosperous, and harmonious life, that will demand our attention and ingenuity for more eternal grace.

Let the children know, to save a lifetime of struggle for the next generation and overcome adversity. There are no more predictive outcomes, but practice of a life’s occupational journey positively.

What is in your shop window? Now the final piece of the peace puzzle shows our, World shining in glory . . .

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148 Protégé

148 Protégé

146 Life

146 Life