116 God 2

116 God 2


“He who speaks does not know, and he who knows does not speak.”[i]

Silence for fifteen seconds.


Are matters of heart only known in the subjective or is it objective to speak from the heart?[ii]


I came to God in desperation out of a lack of completeness and to feel at home in my heart – a meditative spirit to contemplate – but I keep being led by others on God. An education is what I need, for my belief is not whole yet? On creation and somewhat on miracle, tied by a Scientific society ultimately subdued by its own experimental nature, to decipher a Darwinian creation, yet the man went mad!

It does not wholly feel human. Is there a humanistic divine? Or view on God? Simply Adam was born. Is Christianity one of sacrifice, in it’s religion. And so we must resist temptation. To masturbate and smoke, two guilty pleasures, as unruly vices to cut down on vaping and find the heart to freedom without chains. With responsibility, and with heartfelt thanks to God, I can see the way. One of a stoic reliability, happy to surmise the day as a prayer in heaven, for heaven right now is coming to the ground. For this opportunity to live again after a good nights rest.

To live normally is benevolent of what we all need, not up and down in succession of compromise in ourselves, we can be happy and abide by our own happiness; if we have fulfilled a lifetime task, in love in God, Christ Jesus.

It is to stare reality in the face – is that of God? Well, it must be in all righteousness, and then to be compassionate. Do I say that because I feel I should? We cannot know someone else’s mind but understand what we hear or sign. Or am I in God, in love with God, in God’s love. We must face the weather and toughen our souls and come in softly. Resist habitual living and see every day as a fresh start to a better I, to make children and get along with them through all doubts, watch over, and abide by thee. “God is your being, and what you are, you are in God, but you are not God’s being.”

“You have made us for yourself O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”[iii]

God is a rock, God is like a rock. And we his Mountain to accomplish. We are all dictated by so many aphorisms and anomalies to put us into sorts. We must defend our own unique individuality, yet as a Christian I have a passport, to defence in good prayer. And let God work through us, in the healing of the Lord’s Prayer, and the Jesus Prayer.

Our Father,

Who Art in Heaven,

Hallowed be thy name,

Thy Will be Done,

Until Kingdom come,

On Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our Daily Bread.

Forgive us our Trespasses,

As we Forgive those who Trespass Against Us.

And Deliver Us from Evil.

For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the Glory.

Forever and Ever.



To say the Jesus Prayer to help calm nerves, one must say each word or syllable with each in and out breath.

Jesus, Have Mercy Upon Me. (Son of God, For I am a Sinner).


And then we become eternally graceful beings.

Is God delusive escapism from the everyday? Because there is only evidence for one voice. The voice of God. Or is it inherently in our minds, that the mind is designed by or with the Son of God contained within it? Is this therefore, an external force of God? We must be free whichever way we hope to find him. A part of us is born in God, and so why are we to make our own choices?

I freedom live.

Becoming one with the Lord as an amalgamation of Christ’s knowing. Am I subjected to Christ? And a belief in heaven and hell, Or am I just touching the periphery of knowing? How can I know God, but to know myself when God has brought me this far to solace in my mind and a stillness of virtues recoiled in my pleasant psyche.

I like to have a positive outlook, so no pain and suffering takes me away from God into temptation. To be beguiled deceptively in the love I pass on.

Lord bring the light.

Yet it feels genuine to love him so, how am I to know the other’s great regrets?

Sympathetically I struggle but seize the day. So, I shall set the bar. Where am I in my mind? If there is no point to sufferance does it exist?

I do suffer, but would not put it upon myself, it is another’s societal expectation. Does it take to be led, or misled?

I feel little shame and guilt, for I have fought and won. Because I have lived in defence of on put suffering.

God is with me, I am in God, God is within and I am of God. I am never without God. God says I will be a success in everything I do, say and become. God says many things in answers to my questions, because there are multiple questions yet one answer is given.

“You are forgiven Andrew.”[iv]

And that; “You can accomplish your dreams, with my power of being, to be the wealthiest man in England.”[v]

To isolate me is to test me, and I rebound well. To be ultimately left with nothing, these words tell a billion truths of life in eternal grace.

“I am because I can.”[vi]

I will succeed and determinably tell of a thousand prayers that got me there. I am here and I love I first.


Lord Unto Master I,

For I know Why,

The pleasant to Find,

Man in human kind,

Man human in Kind,

For I am the Messenger,

Do not shoot for the Blind,

We bind and Bind,

In Man in Human Kind,

We exonerate Time,

Yes We Find,

The Word of God,

In our Deep Minds,

Lord Unto Thee,

You are God Unto Thee,

For I am just a Servant,

In this Child of Me.


[i] Zi, Lao, Dao de jing.

[ii] Dass, Ram, Sacred in the everyday – Ram Dass Full Lecture, YouTube.

[iii] Laird, Martin, Into The Silent Land, Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd, London, UK, 2006, p.12.

[iv] God, to Andrew, 03/05/99.

[v] God, to Andrew, 15/10/20.

[vi] God, to Andrew, 05/05/99.


Poem Continued:


God Loves,


God Loves,


God Loves.


God is a home in all of us.







117 Ethics

117 Ethics

115 Poly-

115 Poly-